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Default So I tried Subway

On 9/12/2013 5:45 AM, notbob wrote:
> On 2013-09-12, Paul M. Cook > wrote:
>> And I regret it.
>> It was just awful.
>> Bread was so dry after the toasting even a quart of water wasn't enough to
>> choke that bitch down. I ordered the steak and cheese. I got maybe 1 ounce
>> of chopped steak that was so dry I had to blow the dust off. The Provolone
>> cheese was tasteless. They had no onions or Whiz.
>> It was just disgusting.
>> Why do people eat this crap?

> Subway is notorious for overselling their fanchise territories, so
> it's a crap shoot as to whether or not one is any good, the
> competition being so fierce. Some will let their goods go too long
> (age) before discarding. While not a Subway fan, I've occasioned upon
> a couple decent one's and they can be OK if the owner does his part
> and the cutomer does theirs (old tomato slices are pretty obvious).
> I've never tried the steak and cheese, but it sounds like a stretch
> offering. You expect the kid to actually cook!? I'd stick with the
> basic cold cuts subs and not expect NYC deli fare. Like most chains,
> the quality ranges only from decent to abysmal.
> BTW, where does anyone who would knowingly accept "Whiz" on anything
> get off condemning a product as "just aweful"? That's like saying,
> "Their dog turd sandwich is just disgusting". duh.....
> nb

Believe it or not Cheez Whiz is traditional, or was.

I think even in Philly these days provolone (the real kind) is preferred.

Your observation on variable quality by franchise is apt. We had bread
at a rural truck stop Subway that must have been days old, never again
for that dive.