So I tried Subway
On 9/12/2013 8:12 AM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 9/12/2013 7:45 AM, notbob wrote:
>> Subway is notorious for overselling their fanchise territories, so
>> it's a crap shoot as to whether or not one is any good, the
>> competition being so fierce. Some will let their goods go too long
>> (age) before discarding. While not a Subway fan, I've occasioned upon
>> a couple decent one's and they can be OK if the owner does his part
>> and the cutomer does theirs (old tomato slices are pretty obvious).
>> I've never tried the steak and cheese, but it sounds like a stretch
>> offering. You expect the kid to actually cook!?
> Growing up in Philadelphia, I had my share of cheesesteaks. I'd never
> buy one from Subway no matter how desperate I was. I've seen the
> ingredients and they are nothing like the real deal.
> The other sandwiches are a poor imitation of a good Philly hogie too.
> I'm amazed that they have so many locations and as a corporation seem
> to be doing very ewll.
Of the two biggies, Pats and Genos, which was your personal favorite and