So I tried Subway
On 9/12/2013 3:30 PM, sf wrote:
> On Thu, 12 Sep 2013 13:51:24 -0600, casa contenta > wrote:
>> We end up there in the AM if not in the mood to trailer cook, but when
>> camping we're always to our sight by late lunch. I had no idea they
>> sourced locally, good on them.
> Honestly, I don't think a lot of it is locally source - but more than
> one told me their bread was. So yes, good on them. Hubby has always
> been a fan of Denny's breakfasts. He's always been a bacon and eggs
> guy, so he used to eat breakfast there when he had to hit the road to
> see clients. I've only come around recently.
Last year, iirc, they were doing some kind of Baconalia thing, more
bacon than we've seen since we use to eat at Azar's (Bob's Big Boy
elsewhere) breakfast buffet!
One caveat, it was not thick bacon, just a LOT of bacon..