Thread: Blimpies
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Default Blimpies

On 2013-09-12 19:32:37 +0000, merryb said:

> You must be craving a sandwich! Our local Blimpie's shut down about 2
> months ago- there is a note on their window saying they were evicted or
> ? along those lines.

I use to eat a Blimpie 4 or 5 days a week when I was starving musician
in NYC in the 70's. I absolutely loved their sandwiches, which I had
never had before and were very cheap.

A Blimpie opened up nearby, here in SoCal, about 6 years ago and I was
eager to get to it. I was quite unimpressed. I don't know whether it's
me or the chain that has changed in the past 35 years. Probably both.
But I am unimpressed by Subway too.

Jersey Mike's Subs have been opened three stores our here in the past
few years. I think I like the sandwich better, but the selection of
options seems more limited.