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dsi1[_15_] dsi1[_15_] is offline
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Default USDA to let Hawaii ship avocados to mainland US

On 9/12/2013 7:56 AM, sf wrote:
> We have to consider Hawaii a foreign country when it comes to the
> insect & plant disease issues. At least it's easy to isolate them due
> to the island nature of the place, unlike infestations that happen in
> the contiguous lower 48.

It's more like another planet. Most new species introduced here either
don't survive to go crazy in an environment with no natural
predators/enemies. For some species, everyday is a fight to continue to
exist and for others, it's just another day where they get stronger and
take over more space. In our small patch of land in the middle of
nowhere, we've managed to kill off more species than any other place on
the planet of similar acreage.

My understanding is that the mainland is mostly concerned about our
fruit flies which is why fruit going out is screened or not allowed.