Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> I have this recipe attributed to you, but cannot find the original post
> in the Google archives -- lots of other stuff there from about that
> time, but not this post (or else I searched wrong). Do you still have
> your version of the recipe? Brian Mailman on r.f.preserving made it and
> came up with a very stiff product - I'm wondering if the 2 pouches of
> Certo in the recipe is the correct measure. Can you check?
> Thanks.
> { Exported from MasterCook Mac }
> Horseradish Jelly
> Recipe By:
> Serving Size: 1
> Preparation Time: 0:00
> Categories: Canning, Preserves, Etc.
> Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method
> 3 C. granulated sugar
> 1/2 C. prepared horseradish
> 1/2 C. apple cider vinegar
> 6 oz. liquid pectin
> In a large saucepan, combine sugar, horseradish and vinegar over medium
> heat. Cook, stirring constantly, until sugar dissolves and mixture
> comes to a boil. Stir in pectin. Boil 1 minute, stirring constantly.
> Remove from heat. Skim foam from top of jelly. Pour into sterilized
> jars and seal. Yield: about 3 C. jelly. Delicious with meat or cream
> cheese/crackers.
> ‹‹‹‹‹
> Notes: Nancy Dooley to, 8/11/95
> Per serving: 2384 Calories; 0g Fat (0% calories from fat); 2g Protein;
> 618g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 122mg Sodium
> Food Exchanges: 1/2 Fruit; 41 Other Carbohydrates
> _____
Here's the oldest reference I can find, and it is by Nancy Dooley:
It was posted in, which is perhaps why you couldn't
find it. Also, it is in Henriette's culinary herbs FAQ.
It looks like about double the amount of pectin for that much liquid, so
I wonder if it's supposed to be 1 pouch of Certo and it got transcribed
wrong to 1 bottle of Certo somewhere before it ever got posted to
usenet. Or possibly there's a cup of apple juice missing. Or the
recipe is just fine (even though it looks wrong) and Brian boiled it too
Hopefully, Nancy (or someone else who's made this stuff) will reply.