Thread: Egg recipes
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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Egg recipes

"Jeßus" > wrote in message
> I've been blessed with an overabundance of chook and duck eggs lately
> and running out of ideas how to use them. Been making a lot of deviled
> eggs, poached eggs and omelets. I could pickle, done that before.
> Just wondering if you have a favourite egg recipe different to the
> above?
> Thanks

Not my favorite but you could make custard, quiche, cakes that use a lot of
eggs. Yellow cakes use the yolks. I think angel food use whites. One of
my mom's favorite foods was Marguerites. Saltines covered with meringue and
baked in the oven. You could also make a baked Alaska using a yellow cake,
your own ice cream and use up a lot of eggs that way. You can wrap meatloaf
around hard boiled eggs. Make tons of pancakes or waffles and freeze them.
Make egg bread.