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casa contenta casa contenta is offline
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Default USDA to let Hawaii ship avocados to mainland US

On 9/13/2013 4:21 AM, dsi1 wrote:
> On 9/12/2013 8:16 PM, sf wrote:
>> IMO, fruit flies are the least of any problems... because fruit flies
>> come in from everywhere as it is.

> Evidently, we have species of fruit flies that are not found on the
> mainland. Probably the most dangerous one for the mainland is the
> Mediterranean fruit fly. My understanding is that CA growers are scared
> to death of these things. There's also other beetles, weevils, and
> critter larvae that Hawaii tries to contain. There is a separate
> inspection line for the U.S. Department of Agriculture. I'd sure like to
> carry some fruit to the mainland but mostly, that's not allowed. That's
> the breaks.

For decades we used to stop at he Ag Inspection station on I-40 going
into Arizona. If you had any fruit, they confiscated it. I believe that
was the MedFly plague. Some years ago (10?) the stations disappeared.

I suppose they killed all the med flies...