On 9/13/2013 4:37 AM, Ophelia wrote:
> "Hench" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 9/12/2013 9:09 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>>> Does anyone else think it bland? I usually dress it with something to
>>> make it taste of err something.
>>> Yesterday I fried onions and sliced garlic, added preserved dried toms
>>> in oil and balsamic vinegar! It proved a hit!
>>> What favourite ways of preparing cauli do you have, if anything?
>> I'll eat it raw, sometimes with my own hummus.
>> I have about 12 different ways to prepare it but I actually just like
>> it raw as a snack.
> OK sooo how about sharing the "12 different ways to prepare it"?
Roasted with balsamic vinegar and whole garlic cloves which is close to
what the OP does.
Several casseroles, esp one mixed with percino/shaved parmesan and
smoked ham or turkey
Baked with broccoli and caramelised onions
I'll put cauliflower in a bean salad
I use in a leek soup
I'll use it time to time in long pasta dishes with a white sauce (Like
Sheppard's pie
Into a sausage Galette
It's also great curried
Mainly, I like it raw! i sometimes use a bacon mayonnaise as an added
treat to it