Thread: Breakfast out
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Breakfast out

I rarely go for restaurant breakfasts. My usual breakfast is a bowl of
porridge and a latte. I never was into regular bacon and eggs and have
reserved that for Sunday brunches.

However, about once a year I have to go for blood tests.... a fasting
test. Yesterday morning I had to go to see my doctor to get a renewal
for my prescription for cholesterol meds. My previous tests had shown
that cholesterol and sugar had been good, but I had to go for more blood

I am not sure what goes on with those old people who get sent to the
labs for blood work. Maybe they have to have breakfast by a certain time
or they disappear in time and space. I realize that other people have to
go to work or school. I wait until after the rush. I got to the lab by
9 am. After my test I went into town to pick up my espresso machine that
had been in for repair. Then... breakfast. I went to the only
restaurant where I can count on pancakes being good. I had enough of a
conscience not to have bacon and eggs, but I got bacon and pancakes.

What a nice treat.