Thread: Breakfast out
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Breakfast out

On 2013-09-13 11:11 PM, Nancy2 wrote:
> Artificial maple syrup? How about the real thing from Vermont? Pancakes are good. ;-)

I was raised on the cheap stuff. I guess it was more of a compromise, a
brand that had some real maple syrup padded out with corn syrup. My wife
always insisted on the real thing and I got spoiled with it.
Unfortunately, it would be prohibitively expensive for most restaurants
to offer real maple syrup. Some people could easily pig out on the
syrup. They would pour it on until the pancakes were swimming in syrup,
and half of it would be left in the plate.

Despite this place using phony syrup, it is still the only place I ever
order pancakes.