Thread: Smoking meat
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George Leppla George Leppla is offline
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Default Smoking meat

Today is "Meat Smoking day at George and Becca's" It takes all day and
is a pain in the ass to do it, so when we get the smoker out, we load it
up. I have a 14 pound brisket, a 10 pound pork shoulder and 2 big slabs
of ribs in it..... about 40 pounds of meat. It will run all day and
tomorrow we will slice, portion and freeze everything. When we do it
like this, we only have to smoke twice a year at most.

I'm not big into this stuff, but when you live in Texas, you have to
smoke at least 20 pounds of meat per person, per year or they fine you.
(Y'all ain't from around here, are you boy?")

I can not recommend the Bradley Smoker.
In spite of light use, ours is falling apart. The smoke generator works
fine but the heating element and smoking cabinet is pretty shoddy. Some
day if I get up the ambition, I'll get an old refrigerator and attach
the smoke generator to that.

George L