To tip or have a service charge.......that is the question
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Posts: 2,048
To tip or have a service charge.......that is the question
In article >,
> Well yeah.... if you use the $8 figure. What if it was a livable wage,
> one that you would get even though you worked in a tourist joint that
> catered to British and German tourists, or people from other cultures
> who are not used to the tipping culture.
Brits ARE used to tipping at home, but with a different perception
from the USA of circumstances when tipping is expected, and the amount
to tip. We expect to tip for table service in restaurants (between 10%
and 15 % of the bill) unless "service charge" has been automatically
added to the bill; but not at self- service food counters. It's normal
to tip taxi drivers too.
Janet UK.
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