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dsi1[_15_] dsi1[_15_] is offline
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Default USDA to let Hawaii ship avocados to mainland US

On 9/13/2013 9:34 AM, casa contenta wrote:
> For decades we used to stop at he Ag Inspection station on I-40 going
> into Arizona. If you had any fruit, they confiscated it. I believe that
> was the MedFly plague. Some years ago (10?) the stations disappeared.
> I suppose they killed all the med flies...

It's just a fly, what's the harm in a little fly? What the heck, sooner
or later these bugs will find a way into a region. If it was up to me,
we'd just let fruits go wherever people want to take them. The only
thing I really care about is keeping snakes off this rock!