Thread: Egg recipes
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Timo Timo is offline
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Default Egg recipes

On Friday, September 13, 2013 7:00:06 PM UTC+10, Jeßus wrote:
> Just wondering if you have a favourite egg recipe different to the
> above?

Kuku (Persian omelette, ); I don't have a particular recipe in mind. I made a tasty one with broad beans recently.

Spanish omelette, with chorizo, potatoes, chillies, onion, capsicum, herbs, maybe some tomato.

Or, what was once my favourite egg recipe:

Parsi-style eggs on potatoes

2 tbs oil (or ghee, or butter)
2 large onions, thinly sliced
2 or more chillies, finely chopped
1 kg potatoes, peeled, cubed, steamed so just cooked
Green coriander, chopped
12 eggs

Fry the onions and chilli in the oil, until cooked. Mix with the potato and coriander, and put into a flat baking dish. It should form a complete layer. Break the eggs on top, keeping the yolks intact. Bake until the eggs are set.

(Basically a kuku, but less mixed. If you beat the eggs, add the potatoes, coriander, fried onion and chilli, and bake until set, that would be a kuku..)