Breakfast out
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Janet Bostwick
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Breakfast out
On Sat, 14 Sep 2013 13:23:57 -0700 (PDT),
>On Saturday, September 14, 2013 11:15:36 AM UTC-8, Janet Bostwick wrote:
>I just don't like pancakes. They are soft, spongy things soaked with syrup. Waffles are marginal. It could be 25-35 years since I have had either.
>Janet US
>What?! You must have only made them from a mix, and never from scratch. Hubby and I have different kinds of pancakes at least once a week, and have never had them turn out "spongy". Of course they are soft, as they are suppose to be, but the outside is fairly crisp, so is easy to spread butter on and never had the syrup soak through. I go easy on the sugar and oil, but prefer making them with buttermilk and mix LIGHTLY just until I see no more flour in the batter. If you beat them to death, as some restaurants do, the texture is horrid.
>Hubby even likes to spread peanut butter on the leftover cold ones for a snack.
Please don't assume. I don't make things from mixes. I don't like
pancakes. I don't like the texture. I don't like the mouth feel. I
don't like syrup. I don't like the smell. I've had pancakes in
numerous venues. Big pancakes, small pancakes. I won't make pancakes.
My view is exactly like Sheldon's. They are a waste of calories and
an excuse to load up on syrup. That is my view. You have a different
Janet US
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Janet Bostwick
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