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Nancy Young[_6_] Nancy Young[_6_] is offline
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Default USDA to let Hawaii ship avocados to mainland US

On 9/15/2013 1:11 AM, sf wrote:
> On Sat, 14 Sep 2013 19:04:48 -0400, jmcquown >
> wrote:
>> The ceramic shade you're talking about is called celedon. It's actually
>> quite lovely. I gave my brother a set of celedon plates and bowls when
>> he became interested in Chinese cooking. He later bought a matching tea
>> set.

> I think he's talking about the green that used to be in waiting rooms
> - it was more of a lime than celedon. Celedon is lovely, lime green
> of the '60s wasn't.

Oh, that minty hospital green I remember from the military hospital
of my youth. I'm left with a serious aversion to it. I painted my
bedroom three times because the sage I wanted looked minty when it
was up. Shudder.
