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Gary Gary is offline
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Default USDA to let Hawaii ship avocados to mainland US

Nancy Young wrote:
> Oh, that minty hospital green I remember from the military hospital
> of my youth. I'm left with a serious aversion to it. I painted my
> bedroom three times because the sage I wanted looked minty when it
> was up. Shudder.

I think I know the awful green that was so popular so many years ago.
I've repainted many houses to get rid of that color as new people buy
the homes. The main problem with that was that walls and woodwork
were painted the same green. Doing the woodwork the same color was the
problem that made it look drab.

I switched to a green in my living room many years ago and I still
love it. I mixed the color myself and I describe it as "wintergreen,"
thinking of wintergreen tic-tac breath mints. It's close to that.
It's a "beachy" color and I live at the beach. What makes it nice
though is to have lots of white in the room too. My living room has
white ceiling and woodwork...and also LOTS of white
furniture...picture frames, bookshelves, chairs, etc. 15 or more
years now and I still like it. You keep it tidy and it always looks
so fresh and open and.....beachy.
