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sf[_9_] sf[_9_] is offline
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Default Pressure cooker carnitas

On Sun, 15 Sep 2013 07:17:42 -0700 (PDT),

> Wow, lovely recipe! It's great to have gotten the OK from your friends, as well.
> I also like to broil Carnitas meat before using instead of pan frying - this is the recipe I use (extra variation in the recipe head note):

My son also boils the meat first the old fashioned way, but he
finishes it by pan frying to get that lovely crust. His Hispanic
friends say his is better than their family makes, so he's doing
something right (even if they are stretching the truth a bit). I've
never given lettuce wraps a second thought when it comes to carnitas,
but it's a great idea. Hubby has cut way back on carbs, so he can
have his one tortilla and then switch over to lettuce. In fact, I'll
do it myself too. Thanks!

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