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John Kuthe[_2_] John Kuthe[_2_] is offline
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Default Colorado

On 15 Sep 2013 18:55:45 GMT, notbob > wrote:

>On 2013-09-15, Ophelia > wrote:
>>> There's a fine line between crazy and stupid! I'd not put on that
>>> water unlelss I KNEW it was a clear float for miles below, and a
>>> guaranteed easy exit point.

>> Too right!

>The CO governor came on TV this morning and declared anyone caught
>rafting or kayaking the floodwaters would be arrested.

Um, right! like extreme sports folks carea whole lot about if it's
"legal" or not? Davey Hearn got chased off the Potomac river years ago
when it flooded. The Potomac is his home river and he's an expert
Olympic grade whitewater kayaker:

And I could not find the video, but the Police officer wading out in a
shallow part of the river trying to grab Davey's boat slipped and fell
in the water!! It was comical! Stupid and comical. Davey said at that
level the river had waves and other features he just could not pass up
so he risked it.

These expert kayakers know a hell of a lot more than the official
river rescue people about high water and the hazards and how to deal
with them. And it ****es the officials off, becaose they are so full
of their own egos they can't stand to think ANYONE knows morer them

>I personally
>don't understand it, except to take the heat off overworked rescue
>workers. CO's biggest industry, other than beef, is river
>rafting/kayaking. Ppl die every year doing it. That's what it's all
>about. Dancing with death.

Yeah, yeah,yeah. If YOUI'D do it, YOU'D be dancing with death. I'd be
surfing, catching eddies, doing peelouts, ferries and eddy turns and
having a great time! I've kayaked all whitewater sections of the
Arkansas in CO, the Cache La Poudre, Boulder Creek, the Lake Fork and
probably another whuitewater river or two out there I can't remember.
Not the whole rivers but sections of them I felt comfortable to
handle. And I have handled them! I've swam a few times and always got
out unscathed and continied to kayak out there.

John Kuthe...