Thread: Smoking meat
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Paul M. Cook Paul M. Cook is offline
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Default Smoking meat

"Jeßus" > wrote in message
> On Sat, 14 Sep 2013 15:30:26 -0700, "Paul M. Cook" >
> wrote:
>>"Jeßus" > wrote in message
>>> On Sat, 14 Sep 2013 14:46:46 -0700 (PDT),
>>> wrote:
>>>>On Saturday, September 14, 2013 1:42:39 PM UTC-7, Paul M. Cook wrote:
>>>>> "George Leppla" > wrote in message
>>>>> > I'm not big into this stuff, but when you live in Texas, you have to
>>>>> > smoke
>>>>> > at least 20 pounds of meat per person, per year or they fine you.
>>>>> > (Y'all
>>>>> > ain't from around here, are you boy?")
>>>>> And mandatory ho-down attendance.
>>>>> Actually, my buddy who moved to Texas several years ago tells me that
>>>>> you
>>>>> are required to attend mega-churches and high school football games or
>>>>> you
>>>>> might as well be arrested.
>>>>My Catholic buddy whose dad teaches at Texas Tech says in Lubbock they
>>>>if you attend Catholic church you must be Mexican.
>>> I noticed recently that roadside blood tests are now law in Texas...
>>> nice!

>>Texas has some of the most hard core police state laws ever anywhere in

> How about that Joe Arpao (sp) sheriff... what a wing-nut. Really
> disturbing that somebody like that seemingly has free reign to do
> whatever he wants... or whatever the prison industry tells him to do,
> at least.
>>and yet they pretend they are freedom lovers as long as any bozo,
>>crack head, mentally defective individual can pack heat.

> Depends if you literally mean mental defectives, or you just don't
> like the public owning firearms...

I mean mentally defective people as in the medical definition. People with
long records of mental illness can carry weapons in Texas. Some years ago,
I think 15, a woman was sentenced to 144 years in prison. Why? She ran a
little business where she sold sex toys at private house parties. She was
stopped for a traffic violation and during the mandatory police search of
her vehicle (screw the Constitution this is Texas) they found 12 vibrators.
Texas law demands 12 years for each violation. Sex toys wedre and still are
still illegal in Texas. The poor woman finally did prevail but only after
losing everything she had and having her life ruined by an aggressive Texas
DA. So you can carry a deadly weapon even if you are insane but heaven help
you if you are caught with a vibrator in Texas.

Yee haw.