Thread: Cauliflower
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Cheryl[_3_] Cheryl[_3_] is offline
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Default Cauliflower

On 9/15/2013 5:45 PM, Dave Smith wrote:

> Gas burners corrode with time and use. The metal disintegrates with time
> and use. Sometimes the holes get bigger. Sometimes the metal flakes and
> falls down, blocking the holes. If you have a major brand of gas grill
> you should be able to find replacement burners. Proper BBQ supply stores
> will have the parts or you may be able to pick up a generic replacement.
> It doesn't take much work to replace them. The old one slips out and the
> new one slips right back into pace. There are no nuts and bolts or
> screws to worry about. The only real adjustment to worry about is the
> air vent on the side. You just loosen the screw, get a flame going and
> the turn the gizmo until you get a nice blue flame.

Thank you Dave! It's a Char-Grill so I should be able to find the parts.
I really like my brother's new grill, so when it's time to replace I'm
going to get one like his. It has two sides - one for gas, and one for

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