Thread: Egg recipes
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Egg recipes

On 2013-09-15 5:57 PM, notbob wrote:
>> one I have made has been perfect, but even the worst, the sloppiest,
>> cracked and patched pie I have ever put together has been better than a
>> commercial pie.

> I think it's a matter of time/effort. I'll get back into pies, again,
> but I did see the downside vs the store-bought shell in a tin. If one
> hasta deal with a cracked/patched pie crust, yer not doing it right
> and a pre-fab crust is simply easier than learning how to do it
> properly.

I don't get many failures. My older brother taught me how to make pie
pastry. We spent many a spring Saturday or Sunday having a few beers and
making rhubarb pies.

I have made enough pies that I just don't consider them to be work. I
have the recipe in my head. I throw the flour and salt into a bowl and
mix it up, cut in the shortening, add the water, vinegar and egg and
stir it in. Divide it into two, form discs, wrap them up and throw then
into the fridge for 10-15 minutes. Get out the pastry cloth and toss
some flour on it, flour the top of the pasty disc and the rolling pin
and roll it out. It is less work than making a batch of cookies and
having to grease up the pans and spoon out the batter.