On Mon, 16 Sep 2013 08:14:21 -0400, Nancy Young
> wrote:
>On 9/16/2013 7:54 AM, Goomba wrote:
>> On 9/16/13 7:26 AM, John Kuthe wrote:
>>> On Sun, 15 Sep 2013 20:55:44 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>>> ...
>>>> Flood water often carries raw sewage and other potential toxins it may
>>>> have picked up. No thanks, I'll stay on dry land and not put rescue
>>>> personnel at risk either. Guess I'm old fashioned that way.
>>> Flood water contains more maybe, butALL of Mother Nature's water MAY
>>> contain pathologen(s). How pure do you insist your water be, and what
>>> are you doing with it? You gonna drink it? You gonna irrigate a wound
>>> with it?
>> oh stop being a ****y little dick. If during a disaster situation and
>> the government asks you to stay out of the water (for *whatever* reason)
>> just do it for christake. Why risk causing anyone a moments concern or
>> added stress worrying about rogue boaters who just want to show off
>> their questionable bravado? Don't you think they have enough valid
>> reasons and other more pressing things to deal with than little pricks
>> like you?
>Doesn't seem that complicated, does it? Like my Governor said
>during the hurricane, Stay the Hell off the beach!
And I would have too! Not because Christie said so but because it was
a good bloody idea!! Mother Nasture may spank you ass othewise, and
Father Darwin yanking your stupid genes out of the gene pool may be
impending otherwise! DUH!!
John Kuthe...