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George Leppla George Leppla is offline
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Default OT - home made laundry detergent re-visited

A few years ago we discussed home made laundry detergent and since then
I have been experimenting with various recipes and mixtures and finally
I have found one combination that I feel works really well.

1/2 cup washing soda
1/2 cup Borax
1/2 cup Oxi-clean
1/2 cup Dawn Dish Detergent
1 Gallon water.

Heat 4 cups of water to a boil and put in a one gallon container. Add
the dry ingredients and mix/shake until dissolved. Then add the Dawn
detergent and mix... you really don't want to shake and make a lot of suds.

Fill the rest of the container with lukewarm water and mix.

Use 1/2 cup of this mixture for a large load.

Using some rough math, I figure the cost-per-load to be around 4.5 cents

I also made a dry version of this but the prep involved a lot of time
blending the ingredients in the food processor and making a limited
amount each time. With this liquid method, I make 2 gallons each time
and it is very quick and easy to make and store.

George L