notbob wrote:
> On 2013-09-15, Ophelia > wrote:
> >> There's a fine line between crazy and stupid! I'd not put on that
> >> water unlelss I KNEW it was a clear float for miles below, and a
> >> guaranteed easy exit point.
> >
> > Too right!
> The CO governor came on TV this morning and declared anyone caught
> rafting or kayaking the floodwaters would be arrested. I personally
> don't understand it, except to take the heat off overworked rescue
> workers. CO's biggest industry, other than beef, is river
> rafting/kayaking. Ppl die every year doing it. That's what it's all
> about. Dancing with death.
> nb
Creeping nanny-statism...
I went kayaking in CO a month or so ago (Arkansas river, Lower Brown's
Canyon) and had a blast.