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On 2013-09-16 1:11 PM, Nancy Young wrote:
>> I also was able to help my wife, who knows how to
>> meditate, with a simple suggestion - take your BP while lying down in
>> bed, then try to relax and take it again and see if you can make it
>> lower. That sort of bio feedback works for many people, including my
>> wife, and her last doctor's office BP was good.
> I deliberately breath slowly and try to slow my heart. It also
> helps if I have been good about walking.
>>> I just don't like to hear pills being the first solution.
>> Fish oil - I don't think of that as taking a pill, although I guess it
>> is. To me, taking a statin drug for your BP is taking a pill, and
>> taking fish oil is trying to improve your health and BP through diet.
> When I say pills, I really don't mean fish oil. I mean prescription
> meds. The kinds with all the side effects like May cause bleeding or
> death. Or you then have to take some other med to counteract the side
> effects of the first med.
> I had a bad experience with some medication and I am kind of leery
> about the whole business anyway.
I was taking medication for blood pressure for a while but stopped and
got more exercise and lost some weight. It was about three years ago
that I started getting angina pains, though I can't say they were
particularly painful. I only figured it was angina because it went down
my left arm.
After my heart surgery they put me back on BP medication. It tookme
months to recover from that surgery but was soon I was able I was back
in exercise mode. I also dropped 25 pounds. Is topped taking the BP
medication about 5 months after the surgery. I walk at least a mile a
day. I ride my bicycle about 10 miles a day and I have taken up
kayaking... weather permitting. Now my BP runs about 120/78 .