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Paul M. Cook Paul M. Cook is offline
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Default I speak Starbucks-eze

"Steve Freides" > wrote in message
>I realized that I've learned to speak Starbucks-eze.
> Even though I drink my own coffee at home and even take it with me in the
> car, there are times, usually when I'm out of town, that I hit the local
> Starbucks. Here's what I order, and it stumps the employees sometimes.
> Iced venti breve quad 3-pump caramel latte.
> You?
> Iced - duh.
> Venti - Italian for 20, it's the 20-ounce size, their largest
> Breve - made with half-and-half. Their default is 2% milk, yech, at least
> get whole milk.
> Quad - a large iced latte defaults to 3 shots of espresso but I prefer 4
> in mine. More coffee and less milk is good.
> 3-pump - by default they put 6 pumps of their caramel syrup into a large
> iced latte, which is _way_, _way_ too sweet for me. I like half that
> much, so rather than say "Could you please just use half the amount of
> syrup you normally use?" I just say "3-pump" and get what I want.
> Caramel - the above-mentioned caramel syrup in a pump bottle.
> Latte - with milk

Ugh. My passion for Starbucks is eclipsed only for my passion for Subway.
Worst coffee in the world. Why drink it? Starbucks is famous for buying
inferior beans and covering the taste by overroasting. I find their coffee
to be quite sour and charred tasing. And using Italian words and calling
pimple faced kids baristas doesn't make it taste any better.