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Jean B.[_1_] Jean B.[_1_] is offline
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Default I speak Starbucks-eze

Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2013-09-16 2:17 PM, Paul M. Cook wrote:
>>> Latte - with milk

>> Ugh. My passion for Starbucks is eclipsed only for my passion for Subway.
>> Worst coffee in the world. Why drink it? Starbucks is famous for buying
>> inferior beans and covering the taste by overroasting. I find their
>> coffee
>> to be quite sour and charred tasing. And using Italian words and calling
>> pimple faced kids baristas doesn't make it taste any better.

> Starbucks isn't that bad. There are lots of independents who have better
> coffee and maybe even a few smaller franchises that have better, but it
> is better than most of the big chains. It is a hell of a lot better than
> Tim Hortons, which has become a national obsession here. Starbucks has
> had trouble expanding here because they just can't compete with Hortons.
> I had to wonder a while back when there was a news report about some guy
> who was complaining that he was fired from Starbucks because he was ***.
> Judging from the staff I have seen at the Starbucks outlets I have been
> to, I was under the impression that it may have been a prerequisite for
> employment there.
> I go for a coffee at a local bakery coffee shop that sells only fair
> trade coffee. Their coffee is always very good. It is IMO the best
> coffee around. It costs more than Hortons but less than Starbucks. There
> is always room to sit because it has not yet become a poseur longue like
> Starbucks has, with all those people who sit and read or take up a whole
> table so they can use their laptop and the free wifi for hours at a time.

My norm now is Fair Trade coffee. I combine three different types. The
last time, though, one of those three was smoky, which had not been the
case before. Question to those in the know: might that mean they were

Right now I am enjoying two other coffees too, one from Whole Foods
(Honduras San Marco(s?); the other being Sumatran Viennese from a little
gourmet shop in Cambridge, Massachusetts. My daughter jotted down the
name, and it didn't sound right to me, but that is what it says on the

Jean B.