Thread: Egg recipes
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Jean B.[_1_] Jean B.[_1_] is offline
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Default Egg recipes

notbob wrote:
> On 2013-09-15, > wrote:
>> Been meaning to ask, how is it going with your Mum?

> I finally had to put her in a home. She lost almost all walking
> mobility within a week and I feared for her safety. I'm not happy
> about it, but she is now safer and it's the best home in the area.
> Bless you for asking, Ophelia.
> nb

It's hard having to do any such thing, and you have my emathy. I didn't
make the decision, but I had to carry it out. :-(

I have been on an Alz list for almost 15 years. ISTR that at the
beginning of my time there, people would pretty much against putting a
loved one in a nursing home--or anywhere but home with the caregiver.
However, after many caregivers ruined their health, some even dying,
because they were so consumed with keeping the LO home that they totally
neglected their own health.

I am saying this, because you did the best for your mother. But you
also can now better focus on your own needs a bit too.

Jean B.