Egg recipes
In article >, Jean B. > wrote:
>Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>> Inhibits gluten formation. Make the pie crust more tender.
>> Cindy Hamilton
>So, presumably one could use pastry flour or some other gluten-free
>flour and omit the vinegar.
Well, you need some gluten to make the crust flaky. It's a balancing
act between tender and flaky. If you've got good technique, AP flour,
shortening*, water and a little salt will make a great pie crust.
Cindy Hamilton
*Bryan, I don't necessarily mean partially hydrogenated vegetable
shortening, but any tasty fat that will make the crust short.
I can get non-hydrogenated lard; it makes a damned fine crust.
Normally I use butter, because that's what I've got.