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Michel Boucher[_3_] Michel Boucher[_3_] is offline
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Default I speak Starbucks-eze

Gregory Morrow > wrote in

> Speaking of KHRUSHCHEV, Comrade Michel, I am about ready to
> make the plunge into reading a good bio of him - what do you
> recommend? There are *many*...

The best I've read is

Krushchev, by William Taubmann (Pulitzer Prize for Biography or
Autobiography (2004), National Book Critics Circle Award for
Biography (2003), Robert H. Ferrell Book Prize (2004))

It's not perfect, but you could do a lot worse.

> I know you would enjoy a book entitled _K Blows Top_, it is a
> staggeringly hilarious chronicle of his 1959 visit to the
> US...the funniest book I've ever read.

I must take recommendations for reading and file them. I am
currently engaged in a plan to read 35+ books on the Indochina
Wars (1945-1975) ranging from autobiographies and political
tracts to sociological and economic analyses, with a view to
designing a solitaire game where the player would have the role
(in turn) of Ho Chi Minh and Vo Nguyen Giap who, by the way,
turned 102 a few weeks ago.

I should note that my allergies to cats and the dog are slowing
down this plan. I am looking into getting regular injections.


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