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Paul M. Cook Paul M. Cook is offline
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Default I speak Starbucks-eze

"pltrgyst" > wrote in message
> On 9/18/13 3:54 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>> On 2013-09-18 1:00 PM, sf wrote:
>>> On Wed, 18 Sep 2013 09:16:07 -0700, "Paul M. Cook" >
>>> wrote:
>>>> Use any damned coffee grind that tastes good. I find the coarse
>>>> grind makes weaker coffee.
>>> In a French press? It's obvious you don't know your head from your
>>> tail when it comes to coffee.

>> When we first got one we were using drip grind and it was nasty. I had
>> some FP made coffee at a friend's place and told him my home experience.
>> He told me about the coarse grind. I have been doing coarse ground ever
>> since and enjoying it.

> You can get good flavor from any grind in a French press simply by
> adjusting the brew time. But if you use a fine grind, you have to be very,
> very careful when plunging and go very slowly, because the fine grind
> tends to clog the filter screen. And that can be a serious problem with a
> glass FP, which might break.

If you press down and it fights back, you pull back the plunger a bit then
proceed. This usually means your steep time was too short. Always after
you have pressed the plunger to the bottom you wait a minute or so to let
the coffee settle. That way the FP works like a decanter. And yes you can
get great coffee with any grind because you have total control. I've used
them for over 30 yars and the results have always been superior.