On 9/20/2013 9:40 AM, Gregory Morrow wrote:
> This place really *rocked* when Mothra Hughes was here...and then there was Sheryl with her chronic case of "foot-in-mouthous" disease...
Oh yes, Martha and her fantastical heavy metal relationship with Archon.
I suspected all along he was using her. IIRC she did help him get a
student visa into the States.
AFAIK they did not live happily ever after.
Sheryl, well... I'll never forget her posting about trying NADS (hair
removal) on her nether-regions. Sorry, that's waaaay too much information.
> Ya know what's wierd is trying to explain what "Usenet" is to the young kidz out there...
Try explaining Usenet to anyone who has never heard of an online
bulletin board or a listserv. Even before most ISP's stopped supporting
Usenet, their tech support people didn't have a clue what Usenet is.