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Ophelia[_9_] Ophelia[_9_] is offline
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Default Surviving Whole Foods......LOL LOL LOL

"Holly Ryder" > wrote in message
> On Fri, 20 Sep 2013 07:35:18 -0700, sf wrote:
>> On Fri, 20 Sep 2013 09:22:48 -0500, Hello Kitty > wrote:
>>> Uh, what gave you the impression that he ****es me off? I don't even
>>> see any of his posts. I have albasani killfiled and everybody who
>>> posts from albasani also gets killfiled and logged by nym. I don't
>>> know why he even bothers responding to all our posts knowing that most
>>> of us don't even see him.
>>> The only reason he keeps doing this is for YOUR approval and
>>> acceptance, Barbara Llorente. All the negative attention he receives
>>> is all worthwhile to him as long as he has your approval.
>>> For somebody like you who tries to keep such a low profile on the
>>> Internet, you should be thinking twice about your overly fanatical
>>> admirer considering he knows who you are AND where you live. Oh, but
>>> no - he would never STALK anyone, would he?....
>>> -sw (morphing to avoid killfile since you are talking to me)

>> No one stalks quite the way you do and stop pretending about casa.

> Huh?
>> If he wasn't crawling around under your skin, you wouldn't have taken the
>> time to nymshift yet again to protest my very accurate conclusion.

> Huh? I've been morphing to respond to your posts long before The
> Boner came around. So I have absolutely no clue WTF you're babbling
> about now. You're blubbering.
> Think about it. Don't get back to me.

Did you see his apology?