Goomba wrote:
> A color picture in an airline magazine last month featured a high-falut=
> pork dish at a fancy restaurant. Resting atop a pile of fennel, couscou=
s and
> porcini mushrooms were 3 pork tenderloin slices cooked to a frightening=
> shade of pink. Am I too old to have noticed when the USDA recommendatio=
n for
> cooking pork slipped to medium?
No. The USDA still wants pork to be gaggy, gray and free of all that=20
pesky juiciness and flavor.
OTOH, they say it's safe when cooked over 137=B0F because any trichinae=20
that may be in there are dead. I routinely roast pork to 140=B0F, let it =
rest for a few minutes to let the residual heat bring it to maybe=20
145=B0. Carve and eat. Technically, it's medium.
Wonderfully moist served freshly roasted, perfect cold, sliced for a=20
sandwich. Safe.