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notbob notbob is offline
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Default Cutlery and More's MIU conical burr coffee bean grinder arrived!

On 2013-09-26, mawil1013 > wrote:

> Here are pics of the conical grinding plates.

Those are not conical burrs, they're what's known as flat burrs. Not
a bad thing. Some of the best grinders on the mkt use flat burrs. As
long as they're not plastic burrs, like some low-end grinders, you
should be OK. If you cannot get expresso grind from that grinder with
a single pass, you were screwed and should return it.

If yer serious about good coffee, you'll roast yer own:

If you do roast yer own, green beans are half the cost of roasted
beans. EXCEPT for Whole Foods, which will charge you full price for
green beans, the greedy bums.
