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Default vegetables steamer, which one to buy?

Katra wrote:
> In article >,
> "jmcquown" > wrote:
>> Katra wrote:
>>> In article >,
>>> (Miori) wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I'd like to buy a steamer to cook vegetables. What features to look
>>>> for in steamers, what are the options available.
>>>> Thanks & regards for the tips,
>>>> Miori
>>> I use my pasta pot...
>>> There is plenty of room between the insert and the bottom of the pot
>>> for
>>> water. It steams veggies, seafood, anything I want PERFECTLY! And
>>> since
>>> it does double duty, it takes up less storage space than a separate
>>> steamer. :-)
>>> K.

>> Ditto that. I don't have room for a separate "steamer" appliance in
>> my tiny kitchen. The insert in the pasta pot works perfectly well
>> for me.
>> Jill

> Anyone ever tried steaming yams in one?
> Dad has decided lately that he wants more yams in our diet for the
> vitamin A. <G> They ARE good, but I usually peel them then braise them
> in the skillet until soft. I'd like an easier way to cook them.
> Views? And no, I don't want to empty or turn on the oven in the
> mornings
> when I'm cooking lunch!
> K.

I haven't tried this. But I don't see why steaming those would be any
different than steaming any other vegetable. Just cut them into chunks like
you would potatoes and steam them until they are tender.
