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Steve Calvin
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Default Freezing Fresh Corn

sf wrote:
> On Thu, 29 Jul 2004 20:54:12 -0400, Steve Calvin
> > wrote:
>> Never frozen it on the cob but when we have it in season I always buy
>> extra. Whatever we don't eat, I cut off of the cob and vacuum seal it
>> in portions big enough for us and then into the freezer. We have
>> great corn all off season. Just toss the bag into a pot of boiling
>> water to heat it up and bingo, great corn.

> That sounds right on the money for me! I don't bother to
> buy corn at a stand to freeze because the quality of frozen
> corn is so good in this day and age. You can get all yellow
> corn, all white corn or mixed - you can even get "baby"
> kernals... so there is nothing I want that can't be found in
> the frozen food section.
> Practice safe eating - always use condiments

For the most part I agree that the quality of frozen veggies is very
good. But (you knew there was a "but" coming didn't ya?) In the case
of corn, our local corn is excellant and puts the stupidmarket stuff
to shame, even when it's frozen. I go out of my way to buy enough
local corn when in season to ensure a stock of corn in the freezer to
last until the next growing season.


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