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Default Someone asked about rice cookers

On 7/30/2004 10:28 AM, Michel Boucher wrote:
> jmk > wrote in
> :
>>>So far, I have had cooked rice in my cooker for two days and no
>>>problem with as little as a cup left.

>>What I like about the "warming" function is that I can start a
>>batch of rice when I get home, make dinner at my leisure and know
>>that the rice will be done when I am ready for it. I don't
>>generally leave it on warm for more than 30-45 minutes.

> Why not?

Well, first of all, there is no need. I cook what I need. Secondly, I
feel that there is the potential for a food safety issue. I don't care
to provide a nice cozy home for bacteria, thanks.

jmk in NC