Bob Pastorio wrote:
> Katra wrote:
> >
> > Bob Pastorio wrote:
> >
> >>Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>How do the thickening powers of, say, cornstarch, arrowroot, and flour
> >>>differ? Not what the outcome looks like or how it keeps, but how they
> >>>relate in thickening power. I.e., if it takes 1 tbsp of flour to
> >>>thicken x amount of liquid, it will take how much arrowroot to produce
> >>>the same thickness in the same amount of liquid?
> >>
> >>flour (as roux)= 2 tablespoons to 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 cups liquid
> >>potato starch= 1 tablespoon per cup liquid
> >>tapioca starch= 1 tablespoon per cup liquid
> >>cornstarch= 1 tablespoon to 1 1/2 to 2 cups liquid
> >>arrowroot= 1 tablespoon to 2 cups liquid
> >>
> >>They don't all have the same effects. Potato starch will be more
> >>opaque than the rest, but it will thin out with boiling. Tapioca
> >>starch will become stringy if not handled properly. Arrowroot will be
> >>the shiniest.
> >>
> >>Happy thickeners
> >>
> >>Pastorio
> >
> > Ok, with arrowroot, I've been using one heaping tablespoon per cup of
> > water..... Maybe that is why it's not breaking like the others are?
> What are you making, gummy bears? <g>
> This is serious thickening. It should be not too far from solid.
> Pastorio
> > Danke!
> >
> > K. (still learning......)
Had a bit more time to think about this, I might have been misleading...
:-) I use 1 heaping tablespoon of arrowroot per cup of liquid, but that
is the initial water or milk slurry. It's difficult for me to judge the
actual amount of additional liquid in my pan so I get inconsistant
results. Nothing bad, just some dishes thicker than others. :-)
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