Has anyone used electric tea makers?
"gtr" wrote in message news:2013100318334135629-xxx@yyyzzz...
On 2013-10-03 06:49:24 +0000, MaryL said:
> Well, that's why I started down this path...I don't drink iced tea myself,
> but I was concerned that the bottled tea might not be good. I actually
> like water and that's all I drink, but I'm trying to provide what others
> like.
So you have one type of preferred tea for all? Or do you intend to
have a sample of 4 or 5 types of tea and then a tea-maker for each?
If I use a tea maker, I will have one type of plain tea and a supply of
sugar and other sweeteners so everyone can sweeten (or not), as they prefer.
If I buy bottled tea, I will get a variety. Right now, I'm leaning towards
Janet's suggestion. That is, I may make a pitcher of plain tea and have
sugar and other sweeteners available. I don't like tea, so I'm no even sure
how to brew "good-tasting" tea, but it should not be difficult. I started
out planning to get an electric tea maker because that is what one of my
friends uses. However, I have reconsidered. It seems rather complicated to
clean and store it away when it will only get used when I have guests. I
already do that with an electric coffee pot (again, only used for guests
since I do not drink coffee), and it's easy to overdo appliances that are
seldom needed.