Has anyone used electric tea makers?
On 10/2/2013 10:50 AM, Steve Freides wrote:
> MaryL wrote:
>> I don't drink either coffee or tea. My "beverage of choice" is
>> simply plain water! However, I sometimes have groups for meetings
>> and/or games (bridge, etc.), and I want to be able to leave beverages
>> on the counter so people can pick it up whenever wanted. I have a
>> coffee maker but just recently learned that there are also electric
>> iced tea makers. I have been reading some of the reviews on
>> amazon.com. Have any of you used any of the electric iced tea makers
>> that you can recommend? I have noticed from some of the amazon
>> reviews that some of them have a tendency to spill the contents, so I
>> would like one that does not have that problem since I will be
>> leaving it unattended most of the time.
>> MaryL
> We have an electric kettle, a relatively recent purchase for us, that we
> love. We loved iced tea - our procedure is to make a pitcher of hot tea
> (boil the water in the electric kettle) and let it sit, tea bags in,
> until it's cooled, then we just make iced tea from it (we do remove the
> tea bags at some point) until the pitcher is empty, and then we rinse
> out the pitcher and repeat the process.
> Room temperature tea by the pitcher full keeps well for a day or two on
> the counter. We use TJ's Irish Breakfast tea, 3 bags to a medium sized
> pitcher.
> The electric kettle is a nice multi-tasker - we boil water for French
> Press coffee in it as well.
> -S-
The Europeans have a big advantage in that their power outlets are 220V
and the plug-in appliances are capable of supplying 2400 Watts of power
which is useful if you're boiling water in a hurry. Our system is pretty
lame in comparison.