Has anyone used electric tea makers?
gtr wrote:
> On 2013-10-04 11:27:11 +0000, Steve Freides said:
>> gtr wrote:
>>> On 2013-10-03 03:04:04 +0000, Goomba said:
>>> [ Seems some of this topic see-saws back and forth between hot and
>>> iced tea. ]
>>>> In my opinion, this is something invented that itself invents more
>>>> problems than it solves. How hard is it to boil water on the stove
>>>> and pour into a pitcher over tea bags/leaves to make iced tea?
>>> A few minutes each time. I find having a hot-water dispenser takes
>>> no minutes ever. That's a savings! Especially if you drink tea a
>>> few times a day, as I now do.
>>>> Yet now you have this task specific appliance that costs money
>>>> (when you already have kettles or pots that can boil water in)
>>>> takes up space to store and does absolutely nothing that can't be
>>>> done just as easily without it.
>>> It just does it in advance. They're cheap and convenient. I'm down
>>> with cheap and convenient.
>> Our espresso machine has an instant hot water dispenser - very nice,
>> and we do use that to make hot tea sometimes, but we drink enough of
>> it that it's usually better for us to make it by the pitcher.
> A pitcher of hot tea? Or back on the see-saw.
As I mentioned earlier, we make it hot using the electric kettle but
then usually let it cool and drink it iced. We'd make a pot, not a
pitcher, of hot tea - it's smaller.