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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default Has anyone used electric tea makers?

On Sat, 05 Oct 2013 02:23:46 -0400, Zob <zobva1 @> wrote:

>I've been using an iced tea maker for several years and it's one of
>the most-used appliances in my kitchen. Yes, it works kind of like a
>drip coffee maker. I pour water in it, then fill the 3 quart pitcher
>with ice (I keep plenty in our freezer) and place it under the drip
>basket. I put 2 family size tea bags (I use decaf) in the drip basket
>and turn it on. Simple as that. It makes an absolutely perfect
>pitcher of iced tea.

> The tea from my iced tea maker is far better than the sun
>tea or stovetop tea that I used to get in the South before I
>discovered this nifty little appliance.

If you use it often, it is worth having. One advantage of a tea
maker is consistency. As you note, the brewed tea in the south can
vary depending on how well it is made. It is simple to make good tea,
yet careless people can screw it up. Mostly making it bitter.

I never got the sun tea thing. Tried it twice some years ago and
thought it sucked.

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