On Wednesday, October 16, 2013 11:20:05 AM UTC-7, Kalmia wrote:
> On Wednesday, October 16, 2013 1:19:02 PM UTC-4, Ophelia wrote:
> > Just a further question Ms Webtv? If you think the first place to look
> > for recipes and answers to cooking questions is Google, what it the point of
> > a cooking discussion group for you? Why are you here? Why are you not
> > scouring the web for everything you want to know about cookery? Or perhaps
> > you don't cook at all and you are just here because you enjoy bitching?
> AND you, O, just LOVE to rush to her defense. Ever wonder why you are her sole ally? Think upon these things. Sometimes I wonder if you aren't her sock-puppet, but I doubt she could manage that.
A pointless criticism -- imagine the nerve of someone asking a food-related
question on a food group on Usenet -- is pointless regardless who it is
directed to. Whether Julie, squirts, brokelyn, or Ophelia.
Ob Food: If you're unlikely to use the rest of a pound of bacon any time soon,
cook it up right away. It will last longer in the fridge cooked than raw.