"Ophelia" > wrote in message
> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On 2013-10-16 2:51 PM, Pico Rico wrote:
>>>> I didn't see the original post. I KF's Julie long ago. Sadly, I keep
>>>> seeing her threads anyway since people seem compelled to crane their
>>>> necks
>>>> at the scene of an accident.
>>> What's worse? Is it Julie's desperate demands for attention or people
>>> bothering to respond to her as if she was a normal person?
>> Tell me Dave... What's wrong with my asking a food related question on a
>> food newsgroup? Isn't that what this is for? I didn't say anything off
>> the wall, weird, didn't complain, I don't think I mentioned my family or
>> any of the other things ya'll complain about that I do. What is abnormal
>> about asking how to use fennel stalks? Had I found anything right away
>> in my initial search, I wouldn't have asked. But I didn't. So I did.
> But he doesn't come here to talk about cooking! He comes here to moan
> about his surgery - over and over and over - and complain about his
> unfortunate relatives who are not here to defend themselves. He writes
> reams about them so I don't know why you are worried about anything he
> says. He is a hypocrite who thinks he sounds big!
Oh I'm not worried. Just curious about his seeming fascination of me.