On 20/10/13 11:29 PM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
> On Sun, 20 Oct 2013 23:09:28 +1100, Xeno Lith
> > wrote:
>> On 20/10/13 6:20 AM, dsi1 wrote:
>>> On 10/18/2013 7:59 PM, sf wrote:
>>>> this will make you laugh out loud!
>>>> It's a ROTI maker
>>>> http://rotimatic.com/
>>> I think it's a great idea if it frees the housewife from having to make
>>> this bread every day. It could be as revolutionary and life changing for
>>> the Indian family as the automatic rice cookers was for Asian families.
>>> The two greatest technological advances for our family when I was
>>> growing up was the automatic rice cooker and color TV.
>> Don't know about the colour TV so much but the automatic rice cooker is
>> definitely right up there.
> What kind of moron watches rice cook? DUH
The comment I responded to was;
| The two greatest technological advances for our family when I
| was growing up was the automatic rice cooker and color TV.
Did I suggest that you need to watch rice cook?
Did I suggest that I watched rice cook?
I don't know about you but I use a rice cooker to cook rice. By its very
nature it's automatic so it doesn't need to be watched. When it's
cooked, it turns to "keep warm" mode. That's why I like the rice cooker,
it's a set and forget device.