If you think a rice cooker is silly -
On 10/20/2013 2:05 AM, Xeno Lith wrote:
> On 20/10/13 6:39 AM, dsi1 wrote:
>> On 10/19/2013 4:26 AM, Cheri wrote:
>>> I use it for a lot of things, sauteeing veggies, steaming veggies (mine
>>> has the steamer that attaches) some packaged mixes that dh likes like
>>> stovetop stuffing etc.
>>> Cheri
>> It works great for packaged mixes. I've used it for stuffing mixes. It's
>> very helpful when making a bunch of dishes at a time. Sometimes, I wish
>> I had two.
>> I use it for instant mashed potatoes. You can also boil potatoes and
>> eggs, warm up soups, steam veggies, and even make cornbread. For the
>> cornbread, I use a small packaged mix in my small rice cooker. I have to
>> finish if off in the microwave for about a minute. When I make it, it
>> puzzles my wife because it doesn't look like I'm cooking anything at
>> all. The cornbread appears like magic out of nowhere.
>> Our small rice cooker is also great for single packages of instant
>> ramen. Every college student that dorms should learn how to use one of
>> these cheap devices.
> Only if you want to live on Ramen noodles. Personally, I'll pass!
Very few people that live on Ramen noodles want to live on Ramen
noodles. OTOH, I'm one of those guys that, left to my own devices, would
just wear and eat the same thing every day. Not having to make mundane
choices would be fine with me.