"dsi1" > wrote in message
On Sunday, October 20, 2013 6:43:38 PM UTC-10, Xeno Lith wrote:
> On 21/10/13 11:21 AM, gtr wrote:
> > On 2013-10-20 12:03:27 +0000, Xeno Lith said:
> >
> >> We use our rice cooker, a 5 cup version, on a daily basis. It it the
> >> second most used appliance here, behind only the electric jug.
> >
> > Same here, though we use it twice a week. I assume by "electric jug" you
> > mean a machine that keeps water hot? Likely our most used applicance. We
> > drink tea all day.
> >
> That's the one. It's the only appliance that we use more than the rice
> cooker. We don't use one for keeping water hot - we call them electric
> urns over here - we just use it to boil water on an as needed basis.
> Probably 5 to ten times a day on average and, yes, we are tea drinkers
> too! ;-)
> --
> Xeno
The hot water pot we used in Wales was a gas. You put water in it and the
water is boiling in a few minutes. It's the fastest way to boil water.
There was also a clothes washer that also dried the clothes in the same
unit. Pretty slick. The weird part was there was no vent for the dryer. How
is this done? The dryer is a closed system and the air is recycled. Water
vapor is removed by running the air throw a refrigeration coils which
changes the vapor into liquid water which then goes down the drain. The
system doesn't work as well as a vented open system but that water pot made
up for it.
A lot of my friends in foreign countries have such things.
AFAIK they are
not available here. But I have seen something for a dryer if you have no
vent to the outside. I was sold this mistakenly at a hardware store on
Staten Island. I went to get new hose for a dryer vent. I told the guy
that I was sure that we had a vent to the outside. But he was like... You
live in an apartment? You need this! It was sort of a small bucket looking
thing that attaches to the hose. I think you fill it with water. It
collects the lint. And you have to empty it, perhaps each time you use it.
Not really sure since we never used it since we did need exactly what I said
we needed. I learned to hate that hardware store. They were notorious for
selling us things we didn't need.